Love Christmas? Also love all things wacky, weird and occasionally gross? Then check out these 5 weird Christmas candy choices…and stuff your stockings with some real surprises this year!
Elf Barf
Eew! We love this licorice in four fruity flavors and a barfy look. Each package comes with a free sticker, plus a hilarious visual on the front and the tagline “the real magic of Christmas comes from within.” LOL.
Pickle Flavor Candy Canes
We’ll try it if you do. (Just kidding…we’re definitely not trying it.) Reviews do say the pickle flavor isn’t very strong and that kids eat these up, so if you give these a lick, let us know what you think.
Bean Boozled Naughty or Nice Spinner
Play a fun game, win gross prizes! This perennial favorite (why…why…why?) includes flavors like rotten eggs, dirty dishwater and fish. Spin the dial and prepare to be grossed out.
Miss Fortunes Grinchy Dozen Cookies
Yeah…they really ARE Grinchy. Twelve green cookies contain slightly twisted fortunes, such as “Christmas is about being with the ones you love. Sorry it didn’t work out this year” and “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, then being led away by mall security.”
Cotton Candy Crickets
Yes, they’re really crickets. And yes, people buy them. We’re not sure whether these actually get eaten or are just a gag gift that, well, makes people gag. We dare you.
Have you tried any of these totally odd Christmas candy treats? Let us know in the comments below.